
Studio Design
Our facilities were designed by Steve Durr and Matt Schlachter. Main monitors were designed by Steve Durr and constructed by Travis Smith, with components from Altec, TAD and Bag End. These monitors are modifications of the Altec "Voice of the Theater" design, with Altec 515 woofers and 511 horns with TAD-2002 drivers. Bag End ELF subwoofer processor with D12E subwoofer. Main monitor signal chain by Mike Schatzlein and Jake Saghi, with Trinnov crossover and amps from Hafler, CLA and Crown, and final tuning of course by Steve himself. Focal Trio6Be and Yamaha NS-10M nearfield monitors. MTRX and DADman monitor and cue routing.

Special thanks to Michael and Eddie at Avid for including us in the Pro Tools and S6 beta programs. Avid is serious about continuous improvement in Pro Tools. The S6 is an awesome instrument, and it just keeps getting better.
Very special thanks to Jake Saghi, our first Nashville engineer and now a producer, who designed and installed the audio wiring for Studio Five, and to Terry Palmer, technical audio consultant.
Control Surface and Converters
Avid System 6 M40-32-9-D with 32 faders, display modules and 9 knobs per channel.
Burl Mothership HDX with 32 I/O Channels. Avid MTRX with 16 channels of DAD converters.
Studer A827 24-track (< 4500 hours, reconditioned by Steve Smith)
Studer A807 VU Mark II 2-track (reconditioned by Jake Saghi)
Multiple channels of Dolby A and Dolby SR for decoding
- AKG C414B (2)
- AKG C451B (2)
- Audio-Technica AT4033/CL (2)
- Beyerdynamic MC930 matched pair
- Blue Kiwi (2)
- Miktek CV-4 Tube (2)
- Neumann KM185 (2)
- Neumann M149 Tube
- Neumann U87ai (2)
- sE sE4400a (2)
- Telefunken AR51 Tube
- Cloud 44A
- Rode NTR
- sE RNR1 Active (2)
- sE VooDoo VR2 (2)
- Vintage RCA Type 77-DX
- AKG D12 VR kick drum
- Sennheiser e609 Silver (2)
- Shure BETA91A kick drum
- Shure SM57 (5)
Analog Stuff
- Rupert Neve Master Bus Processor
- LaChapell tube (2)
- Cloudlifter CL-1 (2)
- Soyuz Analog Launcher
- Avalon VT-737sp
- Rupert Neve Portico II (2)
- Trident 80B (2)
- Universal Audio 6176
- Line 6 Helix
- MXR Bass DI+ Pedal
Hardware DSP
- Avid HDX2
- UAD-2 Shark Octo
Instruments and Amps
- Yamaha Montage M6
- Kurzweil 2600 with 88 weighted keys
- Martin DXM six-string
- Fender Twin Reverb (tubes, 69 reissue)
- Fender Mustang
- Gibson Les Paul 70s tribute
- Gibson Les Paul Melody Maker
- Roland V-drums with mesh heads and TD-50 sound module
- Jamstix studio MIDI guitar
At least a thousand, from Avid, Universal Audio (UAD), Waves, Wave Arts, Antares, Celemony, Eventide, Focusrite, FabFilter, HOFA, Klanghelm, Klevgrand, Izotope, Native Instruments, Plugin Alliance, Vir2, Slate Digital, Sof-tube, SoundToys, Sonnox, Synchro Arts, Valhalla, Polyverse, others.
* Download the brochure for the latest equipment list.